The Ankle Pain And Its Causes

Ankle pain generally refers to pain or disorder that affects any part of the ankle. Ankle pain can occur due to various reasons. Some of the common causes of ankle pain usually involve an injury, arthritis, and normal wear and tear. Depending on the reason for the pain, you might feel pain or stiffness anywhere around the ankle. The ankle might also swell, and you might not be able to put any weight on it. In general, the pain of the ankle eases with rest, ice fermentation, and with over counter medications.

Doctors can help in the treatment of injuries and arthritis. Quite often, the issue can even be treated without any surgery. If the injury is too severe such as broken ankle bone, or when the ankle pain refuses to improve with nonsurgical treatment, then surgery might be required. Some of the possible issues that generally cause injury and pain in the ankle are listed below. You can have a look at those and see if something is relatable to you.

Sprained ankle

It generally causes a tear in tissues called ligaments which holds the ankle bones together. It mainly occurs when the foot rolls over sideways. Due to it, the ankle might suffer from the bruise and swell. You may not be able to put weight on it. The RICE method of treatment is the best of the ways of alleviating sprained ankle. The term RICE stands for rest, applying ice for 20 minutes at a time, compressing the area with an elastic bandage, and elevating your ankle.

Rheumatoid arthritis

In general, our immune system fights off all germs. However, at times, it attacks your joints mistakenly. It can affect the same joint on both sides of the body. In case you have this problem, you are likely to have ankle pain. There shall be pain, swelling, and stiffness that usually start in the toes and in the front of your foot which moves slowly back to the ankle. Exercise such as physical therapy can help in easing the pain. The doctor might also prescribe a special type of shoes or inserts that gives relief from the pain.


It is an autoimmune disease that can attack the healthy tissues of your body. It can affect your ankles directly and even cause kidney issues that can result in fluid buildup in your joints. Technically, there is no cure for the issue, and only medications can be taken to keep it under control. A healthy diet and regular exercise can also help.


The joint where two bones meet, cartilage covers both the ends of each bone and offers cushion. With time, it wears off, and after it is gone, there is friction between the bones. It leads to pain, stiffness, and loss of motion. The doctor might prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids for reducing the swelling, braces to help the ankle move less, along with physical therapy for teaching you strengthening exercises. However, in extreme cases, you might need surgery to get relief from the pain.

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